A Tempo Livre is a cooperative régie created on the initiative of the Municipality of Guimarães, on January 22, 2000, with the dual mission of promoting physical and sporting activity in its community and managing some of the most important sports facilities owned by the municipality.

Over the past 25 years, the Tempo Livre helped to change the local sports system for the better, actively involving itself in the dissemination of several projects to promote physical activity for everyone, such as the active aging projects Vida Feliz and Walking Football, activities aimed at children and young people such as Liga Neno, Mídos Ativos, Descolar, Férias Desportivas de Verão, or even programs for the adult population, such as A-Gym (Gymnastics for Adults), T-Gym (gymnastics in a work context ), the Barriguinhas Desportistas project “Dar Vida à Vida”, aimed at diabetic patients or those recovering from cancer, and more recently also included in the cardiac rehabilitation unit.

It was also at the genesis of highly innovative services linked to sport, health and knowledge, such as the most relevant cases of the Guimarães Sports Medicine Center, the Sports Talent Detection Center and the Sports Studies Center, which has developed an intense training activity in sport in Guimarães, with various courses and training for managers, coaches and other agents in this sector.

A Tempo Livre It has also asserted itself as a unique model of sports facilities management, having under its responsibility the Swimming Pool Complexes of Guimarães, Moreira de Cónegos, Brito and Scorpio (outdoor pools), the Gémeos Castro Athletics Track, the Gymnastics Academy of Guimarães, the Pavilhão do Inatel/Almor Vaz and the Multiusos de Guimarães, considered one of the best theaters in the country.

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A Tempo Livre Has as mission:

Generalize access to informal and regular sporting activities, offering quality services and activities, sensitizing the community to the benefits of an active and healthy life, promoting sport and physical activity, increasing sporting participation rates in the municipality of Guimarães;

Manage the municipal sports heritage under his responsibility;

Evaluate and monitor activities and services that promote Physical Activity and Sports for All, ensuring research and study on the sports phenomenon in the municipality of Guimarães.


Affirmation of Tempo Livre as an entity of national reference and internationally recognized for its good practices in promoting sport for all, physical activity, health and well-being.


The reference of values ​​of the Tempo Livre determines the way in which it is directed towards the future and identifies the trajectory of its work. It summarizes the motivations, establishes the matrix of attitudes and beliefs, values ​​the importance of the service that is provided and makes the individual performance of the employees agree with the standards demanded by the company. Tempo Livre in your daily life.














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