Registration is now open for a new training course promoted by the Tempo Livre through the Center for Sport Studies in Guimarães (CEDG) which will take place on 14,16,21,28 and 30 June.
O Sports Communication Course it is aimed at sports leaders, athletes, coaches and coaches, media professionals, teachers and students and aims to provide participants with knowledge and transversal skills applicable to the daily management of communication in a sports organization, in its interaction with different audiences and means.
The five sessions of the program take place in person, in the month of June, totaling 15 hours of training accredited by IPDJ-IP, within the scope of the continuous training of Sports Coaches (TD) and Physical Education Technicians (TEF), with 3 credit units.
He will be a trainer Paulo Salgado, a professor with a 13-year academic career at the University of Minho and at the Instituto Universitário da Maia and a communication specialist with extensive experience in the areas of Strategic Communication, Communication in Sports Organizations, corporate reputation, Brand Management, Communication Planning, Public Speaking, Advertising and marketing. His experience in the communication of FC Porto (2004-2007) and as responsible, in the area of communication and marketing, of the launch of the FC Porto Dragon Force brand, in addition to his condition as trainer at the FPF Football School, guarantee a training program of quality.
The program of sessions will include approaches to Strategic Communication in Sports, Branding & Marketing in Sports, Events and Sports Protocol, Press Advisory and Communication in Digital Environment.
It is intended to provide trainees with knowledge and
transversal competences to the area of communication in sport, which can be applied
day-to-day communication management in a sports organization.
This course is accredited by IPDJ-IP, within the scope of the continuous training of Sports Coaches (TD) and Physical Education Technicians (TEF), with 3 credit units (TD and TEF), which correspond to 15 hours of training.
Regimen: in-person or
Location: Guimarães Gymnastics Academy
(* outdoor sessions, in a reserved and appropriate space, with the possibility of entering the room, in bad weather)
Required: Safety measures in force, use of mask, distance and hand hygiene
Program Sessions (18:00 pm to 21:00 pm)
I. Introduction to the fundamentals of Strategic Communication in Sport
June 14
II. Branding & Marketing in Sports
16 of June
III. Events and Sports Protocol
21 of June
IV. Press office
28 of June
V. Communication in a Digital Environment
30 of June
Paulo Salgado
Specialist in communication, branding, reputation and public speaking. Enthusiastic and versatile, with deep knowledge in the field of Strategic Communication, Communication in Sports Organizations, Corporate Reputation, Brand Management, Communication Planning and Public Speaking.
More than 10 years of experience as a communication and marketing professional and 13 years of teaching experience in Public Relations, Digital Communication, Advertising and Marketing at Universidade do Minho and at Instituto Universitário da Maia. Solid practice in developing brand management and supervision strategies as a consultant for companies and agencies. To conclude PhD in Strategic Communication, Official Reviewer of the Corporate Reputation Review. Also concluding international certification in Digital Marketing, by the Digital Marketing Institute (January 2020).
More than 3 years of experience in the communication of FC Porto (2004-2007) and responsible, in the area of communication and marketing, of the launch of the FC Porto Dragon Force brand. Also a trainer at FPF Football School, where he guided 3 sessions of Communication and Marketing, in the basic training course for managers.
He also works as a communication consultant and also conducts workshops and training in the area of communication and marketing.
Practical exercises at the end of each session, supported by a technical manual distributed by the trainees.
Mandatory registration through online form.
Students - presentation of a valid student card.
All candidates - statement of motivation to attend the course and short CV
Registrations subject to selection.
Application dates and applicable fees:
Until June 7 (inclusive) - 125 € (professionals) 1, 75 € (students) 2
From June 8th to June 13th inclusive - € 150 (professionals) 1, € 100 (students) 2
(1) media professionals (Public Relations, journalists, advisors, advertisers, Marketing), sports directors, athletes, coaches, coaches, teachers
(2) students> secondary, technical, bachelor, master's or doctoral students
* Registration fee includes: training, accreditation, certificate and technical manual.
To sign up for Sports Communication Course and to find out about the program and objectives just fill in the digital form, available here:
For more information, those interested can contact the Sport Studies Center via email ( or by phone (253 520 300).