With a very positive balance, the “Women + Active” program, promoted by Tempo Livre and by the Guimarães City Council, it ended yesterday with the Health Walk, which brought together about two hundred participants.
The focus was on the Gymnastics Academy of Guimarães, where gymnastics classes and health screenings were also promoted, in an initiative that included the presence of Super Afonso (mascot of Vitória Sport Clube) and the mascot of Guimagym. In the initiative, which aimed to raise awareness among the female population about the benefits that regular physical activity brings to health and well-being, the “Women + Active” t-shirt was also distributed.
Promoted under the European project SWUP - Sport for Women in Urban Places and co-financed by the European Union's Erasmus + Sport program, which involves partners from France, Italy, Romania, Holland, Spain and Bulgaria, the Guimarães pilot program “Women + Active ”started on 8 March (International Women's Day) and lasted until 7 April (World Health Day).
During the program, a cycle of four workshops was held on the themes “Women + Active” and chronic diseases, in senior age, in adolescence and youth and in pregnancy, Gymnastics in the Park (in Parque da Cidade, da Ínsua, in Lordelo and Cidade Desportiva in which health screenings were carried out) and the Health Walk in which the advantages of physical exercise were reinforced.
SW-UP Project
The SW-UP project has as main objective to make urban and leisure spaces more friendly for the practice of sports and physical activity by women and seeks to raise awareness, both women and men, about the benefits that regular physical activity adds to health.
The SWUP is based on scientific research and is based on conducting surveys, surveys, sharing experiences and good practices, with a view to presenting a final document that gathers recommendations that contribute to promoting physical activity and female participation, sensitizing sedentary women , in particular and the community in general for the health benefits of this regular physical activity.
The SW-UP project's mission is part of European policies to encourage female participation in sport and physical activity, and pays particular attention to the barriers that women face, particularly in urban environments, and with a view to making them more accessible, safe and friendly to sports.
The SW-UP Sport for Women in Urban Places, in addition to Tempo Livre and Guimarães City Hall, it has seven international partners: ALDA - Association for Local Democracy (Strasbourg, France), IRS - Instituto per la Ricerca Sociale (Milan, Italy), Comune di Corbetta (Italy), Polisportiva di Corbetta (Italy) , Municipality of Granollers (Granollers, Spain), Mulier Institutuut Centrum Voor Sociaal-Wetens (Utrecht, Netherlands), Municipiu Ramnicu Sarat (Romania) and Sofia (Bulgaria).
The “Mulheres + Ativas” program has as local partners the Mais Guimarães newspaper and the Hospital da Luz, also counting on the collaboration of a group of local entities that joined the project (Cercigui, APCG, Municipal Forum of People with Disabilities, Casa da Memory, GTEAM, Guimagym, Vitória Sport Clube, Fraterna, Sol do Ave and EIM).