
Subscribe to the newsletter Tempo Livre

Receive in your email the newsletter of Tempo Livre with all information about sports activities, services and facilities.

Since the beginning of the year, Tempo Livre provides a monthly newsletter expanding the communication channels with its users and the general public.

To subscribe to this service, simply access the electronic form available at https://bit.ly/361yKtR -, consult our Privacy Policy and accept the conditions, proceeding with the filling.

You will receive in your email, on a regular basis, all information about the functioning of the sports facilities (Piscoso de Candoso, Moreira and Brito, Scorpio, Athletics Track, Gym, pavilions), technical centers (Sports Medicine Center, Centro Sports Studies and Sports Talent Detection Center) and sports programs (Vida Feliz, Sports Belly, Agym, Descolar), among others.
Receive our news and prepare a return to active life with us.

Tempo Livre: we are active by nature!

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