A Tempo Livre and Hospital da Senhora da Oliveira signed, this Wednesday, the protocol for the 'Dar Vida à Vida' project, an inclusive partnership that aims to elevate and innovate the services provided to oncology and diabetic users.
Starting next October, and with due clinical monitoring, users identified by the Hospital's services will be referred to free physical activity classes, at Multiusos de Guimarães, taught by teachers from the Tempo Livre.
This project reinforces the already very fruitful cooperation between Tempo Livre and Hospital Senhora da Oliveira, this time under the responsibility of the diabetology and oncology services, led by Dr. Elisa Torres and Dr. Camila Coutinho, in order to put into practice an idea that aims to improve physical condition and psychological state of the user during their recovery process. A project that also demonstrates how the coordination between clinical and physical exercise professionals is also a powerful instrument for promoting the practice of physical activity among the population.
At the signing of the protocol, which was attended by Administrator Dr. João Miranda, the President of the Board of Directors of Tempo Livre, Amadeu Portilha, had the opportunity to highlight that “…we live today in a very busy, almost dizzying world, and happiness is beginning to be the most precious value we have, at least the search for that happiness…in Tempo Livre We really believe in this, and this, like other quality projects we lead, seeks to increase this mantle of happiness within the Guimarães community".