

A new report from the Sports Studies Center (CED) of Tempo Livre, which updates the collection of data relating to the 2022/23 sports season, reveals a very significant growth in the number of federated athletes in the municipality of Guimarães.

Currently, there are 8.776 federated practitioners, of which 7.089 are male, representing 81%, and 1.687 female (19%), being the largest number of practitioners ever observed in Guimarães since the CED began its activity, representing a growth of 8,51% compared to the 2021/22 season. The increase in female practitioners (+14,76%), representing 217 new practitioners, is particularly relevant. The increase in the number of male practitioners is smaller in percentage terms (7,12%), but greater in absolute terms (417).

There is a decrease in the percentage difference between male practice and female practice, although as has been seen in previous years, it is still very far from the values ​​observed at national level, where close to 30% of practitioners are women.

In terms of the most practiced sports, football, with 324 new players, reinforced its status in Guimarães, where it accounts for almost 50% of sports participants. It currently has 4.128 practitioners, followed by Cycling (504), Futsal (402), Handball (344), Judo (296), Gymnastics (287), Tennis (273), Athletics (267), Karate (239) and Shooting. of Hunting (238).

In terms of growth in the number of practitioners, and considering only those modalities that have more than 200 practitioners, the biggest increase was recorded in Judo (+47%), Gymnastics (+38%) and Cycling (+20%) . 

In an analysis by gender, the 46,20% growth in female football practice stands out. Currently, football is the second most practiced sport by women in Guimarães, with 250 practitioners, only surpassed by Gymnastics, which has 255 practitioners. This is followed by Volleyball with 200 female players, Skating (110), Handball (95), Athletics (78), Futsal (72) and Karate (67).

In percentage terms, the highest prevalence of female practice is seen in Figure Skating with 94,83%, followed by Gymnastics (88,85%), Volleyball (84,39%), Rope Skipping (55,81%) and Sports Equestrians (52,94%).

 Regarding the analysis by level, there was a high increase in federated practitioners in the Under-10/11 levels, with an additional 332 practitioners. It is also observed, similar to what was measured in previous studies, that the greatest decrease in practitioners occurs between the Under-16/17 level and the Junior level.

Also note the very significant growth in the number of practitioners for people with disabilities, which can be explained by the introduction of a new CLIPP club, integrated into the Centro Social de Brito – Pólo Paraíso, and by the increase in practitioners at CERCIGUI.

 This annual study that measures the number of federated practitioners in the municipality of Guimarães, was carried out between the months of March and July 2023, seeking to harmonize the classification of practitioners by reference levels, bringing the statistical reading as close as possible to the reality and specificity of each modality, and is available for consultation on the Tempo Livre.

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