The Sports Services of the Tempo Livre the development of sports activities in the spirit of Sport for All.

Sport and physical activity are fundamental instruments to raise the quality of life, health and well-being of people, and constitute a pillar of the performance of the Tempo Livre since its creation.

The development of activity promotion projects that aim at democratization and universality of access to sport, for all ages and physical conditions, in addition to being a stimulating element of creativity, contribute to the increase of physical activity and are fundamental tools in the fight sedentary lifestyle.

A Tempo Livre therefore, puts a special focus on sensitizing residents to the practice of regular physical activity, coordinating and promoting a set of projects oriented preferentially for children, young people, women and the elderly, age groups where sport and physical exercise are preponderant for the definition of active and healthy lifestyles.

Programs and Activities

The Sports Services of Tempo Livre promote a diversified program of activities aimed at specific audiences and whose main objective is to promote physical activity, sport for all, socializing, health and well-being.



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