

It's another innovative project with the brand Tempo Livre, aimed at children aged between 3 and 5 years who attend IPSS or Kindergartens in the municipality of Guimarães.

Aiming to respond to a need identified by many institutions, helping to mitigate the negative effects caused by the successive confinements to which society has been voted and which had special repercussions in this age group, the project "Kids Active" contemplates the dynamization of classes of physical activity, on the premises of the participating entities, and also the carrying out of complementary initiatives to encourage the regular practice of physical activity.

Coordinated by the Sports Services of the Tempo Livre, which will work in close collaboration with the pedagogical direction of the different institutions, a guideline will be defined in line with the stages of development of the children, to which training and awareness actions for parents, educators and assistants will be defined about the relevance of the activity physical and motor stimulation in the integral development of children.

In this initial phase of the project, there are already seven teaching institutions in Guimarães that have joined this project, which is of considerable importance in its implementation.

More information about the project can be obtained through the following contacts: 253 520 300 ou servicosdesportivos@tempolivre.pt

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