
Sport is back in the 'Open Doors' project

Physical activity classes for homeless people are back. Already this month, and as has been happening since 2022 within the scope of the municipal project 'Open Doors', the Tempo Livre assumes its role as a driving agent for the generalization of physical activity and sport in Guimarães, diversifying its action across various sectors of society through sport.

Inclusion, stimulating self-knowledge, improving self-esteem, providing moments of physical and psychological well-being, are some of the consequences that result from the 'Open Doors' project, coordinated by the Municipality of Guimarães, and which has the collaboration of the Portuguese Red Cross, Sol do Ave and Lar Santo António.

*Classes take place once a week at the Cantina Social, located in the city center, and at CAES (Social Emergency Reception Center) in the parish of Atães.

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