Amadeu Portilha, President of the Board of Tempo Livre, was one of the guest speakers at the public hearing that the Secretary of State for Youth and Sports is holding across the country, with the aim of a possible review of the Basic Law for Physical Activity and Sports (LBAFD) – Law no. 5/2007, of January 16, which has been in force for 16 years.
This public hearing process, which will take place over a month, had a well-attended session yesterday at UTAD – University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, with the comprehensive participation of various agents, from the local or national sports movement, to the Administration Local and Regional, Higher Education, public and private entities, clubs and entities that interact in the vast ecosystem of Physical Activity and Sports, with Amadeu Portilha having the opportunity to highlight some of the critical factors that condition the sector and sharing his vision on the model that should be followed in the future, based on its vast experience of 30 years in the field of sport and sports management.